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Fitness For Dummies 3rd Edition

Weight Training For Dummies, 3rd Edition Fitness

Fitness For Dummies 3rd Edition

In This book Fitness For Dummies 3rd Edition

updates you on all the latest the good, the bad, and the totally weird. But our main mission remains the same as it was the first two times around: to tackle your fears, whether you worry that operating a stair-climber requires a degree in mechanical engineering or fret that no matter what exercise routine you start, sooner or later you’ll end up back in the recliner.

We don’t want you to become a fitness statistic. 

The fact is, among people who start an exercise program, half quit within eight weeks. This book Fitness For Dummies gives you the knowledge and motivation to stick with fitness for the rest of your life.

Fitness For Dummies 3rd Edition book

tells you the stuff you really want to know, such as:

Will you burn more fat if you exercise at a slower pace?

Which brands of home exercise equipment are most reliable?

How do you know if a health club is trying to rip you off?

Can you actually become “Rock Solid in 6 Weeks,” like the magazines say?

Which weight-training exercises are best for beginners?

What the heck is Pilates, and how do you pronounce it?

How many days a week do you really need to work out?

Is low-carb eating right for you?

The book is basic enough for the fitness rookie to understand, but it’s also useful for workout veterans who want to brush up on the latest fitness concepts, gadgets, or training

Fitness For Dummies 3rd Edition